Federal regulations require all students receiving Federal Title IV, state, and institutional need-based financial aid to meet satisfactory academic progress standards to maintain their financial aid eligibility.
Students can be impacted by other academic progress policies, including institutional and departmental academic standards and academic progress policies for different types of aid, including but not limited to institutional merit scholarships, athletic aid, and veterans’ benefits.
Learn more about FLC's SAP policy
You must take responsibility for understanding the academic progress policies that impact you.
Our office monitors the following standards to determine eligibility for financial aid:
After evaluation, students will be assigned a status of good standing or suspension. Students reinstated from suspension through the appeals process will be given probation status.
Good standing: A student is in good standing and eligible to receive additional financial aid if the student:
Suspension: A student is suspended from Financial Aid if the student is on a financial aid plan and the student did not complete degree and program requirements, or
Students appealing to re-establish eligibility for Financial Aid must prepare a Financial Aid Suspension Appeal package.
Learn more about the Financial Aid Suspension Appeal process
Probation: Students are on probation or probation with a financial aid plan if they were reinstated from suspension through the appeals process. These students are:
Students receiving financial aid are evaluated against standards after the spring and summer payment periods after grades have been officially posted by the Registrar's Office, with the following exceptions:
Email: skyhawkstation@fortlewis.eduPhone: 970-247-7301Drop-in: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday - Friday
Skyhawk Station staff will check you in and guide you to a self-service kiosk or connect you with a Skyhawk Specialist or Advisor.