Physical therapists (PTs) work with patients to restore function, improve mobility, reduce pain, and limit physical disabilities that result from injury, surgery, or other types of trauma. Generally, physical therapists take patient histories, test and measure a patient's range of motion, strength, coordination, posture and muscle performance. They then develop a plan of exercise and therapy that will help restore function that was lost or impaired. Physical therapists work independently, in group practices, and often in association with orthopedic surgery practices. Most PT programs are now doctoral degrees that require a Bachelor's degree prior to entry.
Most schools also require:
PT programs have a rolling-admission process. This means that they evaluate applicants as soon as they get their application materials, and admit or reject that student at the time of application. This makes it especially important to apply to each program as soon as you are able to do so. Do not wait until the deadline. Each PT program has its own application deadlines and many have their own on-line applications available for downloading. Please check each program you plan to apply to for their deadlines and plan to have all of your materials (GRE scores, letters of recommendation, college transcripts) submitted well in advance of the application deadline.