A returning Fort Lewis College student who has not attended Fort Lewis College for at least six consecutive terms (e.g., Spring, Summer, Fall, Spring Summer, Fall) and whose Fort Lewis College cumulative GPA is below 2.00 may apply for Academic Renewal. If Academic Renewal is approved, grade point averages for work completed prior to readmission will not be carried forward. Previously completed courses with an earned grade of C- or higher are eligible to count towards graduation if they are allowable under the Time Limits on Coursework policy.
Read the full Academic Renewal policy.
Returning students should follow the procedures appropriate to their Academic Standing:
Academic Standing
Academic Renewal Required as condition of admission?
Probation Level 1 Probation Level 2 Probation Level 3
Apply for admission.
If student determines Academic Renewal is in their best interest, file the Academic Renewal Petition with the Registrar’s Office. Go to form library.
Students must apply for admission by the published application deadline for the re-entry term. Student must submit an Academic Renewal petition by Census Date of the re-entry term.
Students must meet all requirements for re-admission.
Academic Disqualification
Apply for admission. .
File Academic Renewal Petition with Registrar’s Office. Go to forms library..
Students must apply for admission AND submit an Academic Renewal petition by the published application deadline for the re-entry term.
Students must meet all requirements for re-admission in addition to being approved for Academic Renewal.
Direct all questions about the Academic Renewal process to Academic Affairs by emailing academicrenewal@fortlewis.edu. Petitions are decided by the Academic Standards Committee or its designee.