
View Agendas & Minutes

Senate President
Chuck Riggs, Anthropology (2013) riggs_c@fortlewis.edu

Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees
Amy Wendland, Art (2014) Wendland_a@fortlewis.edu

Senators Elected at Large
Janice Templeton, Psychology (2013) templeton_j@fortlewis.edu
Pam Smith, Math (2013) smith_p@fortlewis.edu
Beverly Chew (2015) Chew_b@fortlewis.edu
Kenny Miller (2015) miller_k@fortlewis.edu

Senators Elected from Natural and Behavioral Sciences
John Condie, Biology (2013) condie_j@fortlewis.edu
Melissa Knight-Maloney, Exercise Science (2015) Knightmalo_m@fortlewis.edu
Betty Dorr, Psychology (2014) dorr_b@fortlewis.edu
Ryan Haaland, Physics (2013) haaland_r@fortlewis.edu
Kathy Fine-Dare, Anthropology (2015) fine_k@fortlewis.edu
Heidi Steltzer, Biology (2014) steltzer_h@fortlewis.edu

Senators Elected from Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Jay Dougan, Art (2014) dougan_j@fortlewis.edu
Rebecca Clausen, Sociology (2013) clausen_r@fortlewis.edu
Michael Fry, History (2015) fry_m@fortlewis.edu
Justin McBrayer, Philosophy (2015) mcbrayer_j@fortlewis.edu
Jonathan Latta, Music (2013) latta_j@fortlewis.edu
Amy Sellin, Modern Languages (2014) sellin_a@fortlewis.edu

Senators Elected from Business Administration
Simon Walls, SOBA (2013) walls_s@fortlewis.edu
Deborah Walker, SOBA (2015) walker_d@fortlewis.edu
Rick Gore, SOBA (2014) gore_r@fortlewis.edu

Senators Elected from Full-time, Non-tenure Track Faculty
Michelle Bonanno, Writing Program (2014) moore_a@fortlewis.edu
Leslie Goldstein, Freshman Math Program (2013) goldstein_l@fortlewis.edu

Senator Elected from the Library
Astrid Oliver, Library (2015) oliver_a@fortlewis.edu

Senator Elected from Teacher Education
Kriss Greer, Teacher Education (2014) greer_k@fortlewis.edu